Monday, August 9, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 13

Lucky day thirteen! Day 13 was actually yesterday, but I didn't post it. So today you'll get two. Day 13 now, and day 14 later in the day. For now, enjoy 13. :)


Tell me a story:

of when you
were young. Even one day
younger will do -- a story 
of you from yesterday. 
How did you walk; what
did you eat; what shirt
were you wearing; how
many times did you smile?
Did you learn a new word,
name or face? Did you touch 
your toes; did you brush your
hair or a lover's hand? Let's
not forget the story of ourselves. /

Note: Day 13 essentially got two poems, since the front of the postcard has a very simple ode poem on the front. Here's the translation of that, if you can't read it...


To sleeping in late. / To fun. / To pineapples.
To old, soft sweatshirts. / To lips that kiss. / To
mistakes. / To different views. / To garlic. / To
fuzzy socks. / To pens. / To you.
To drinking tequila. / 2 the
strength of hands. / To 
purple. / To my love. / 
To breasts. / To life. / To the 
new car-smell. / To the new baby
smell. / To books and book-
cases. / To dirt. / 
To: ______________.


  1. mmmmmmm the story of ourselves... fantastic.

  2. the story of ourselves

    + tequila

    = delicious


  3. Superb! I so wish I were a bigger part of the story. I'm (fantasizing about) moving to LA if I haven't found a job in Nash by the end of September.

  4. Don't tease me. But seriously, LA would totally agree with you. Plus, I'd have a friend. Not that I don't have friends now, but well, I don't. Hahah. It is early, and I haven't been trying too hard, though. :)
