Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 21


With Vodka

This morning I wanted to add
vodka to my cereal, but 
didn't. An hour later, 
helping customers find plate
settings for twelve, I wished
I had drank the vodka.
One woman who couldn't find
her coupon (but was in a
"giant rush") said I looked
calm in the face of adversity.
I calmly told her to go to
hell, and walked right out.
That didn't happen, but it
could have, with vodka. /


Postcard Poetry: Day 20

Gotten a tad behind. But I'm trucking on. Enjoy!


Lunch Love

I never thought I'd enjoy
packing lunches. While
preparing your sandwich I
think of you at work, pausing
one reverent moment to chew,
smiling at the hot sauce
surprise. I slice pineapple,
wash grapes, sprinkle nuts
and craisins over fresh
lettuce. I love feeding you,
fuel for your body from
these two hands. /


Monday, August 16, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 19



A man & wife with a baby
in tow asked me to take
their picture on the sidewalk.
I framed them perfectly
in the camera's eye, magenta
flowers shining pink/purple
light on their faces. "One
more?" they say, so I turn
the camera to take a vertical
shot. They say "ooh." I tell
them I love perspective, squat
down to capture their lovely
shadows lengthening. /


Friday, August 13, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 18


Watercolor, like me

Watercolor is lovely because
it's imperfect. A brush-full
of crimson paint bleeds on
wet paper, seeps to bended
corners, the art of gravity.
You will not last forever,
watercolor. Rain makes your
colors cry, sun exposure
fades your once-vibrant hues.
Your paper will be eaten with
tears and holes. You will join me,
my body, in the dirt. The
beauty is that together we lived. /


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 17


On today's walk I see

A girl in a Dodgers hat
lighting up a cigarette
while riding a bike.
Two sisters hold hands
while watching a neighbor
struggle up her front
steps. Squirrel crossing the
road looks like a bouncing
brown ribbon dancer. My
lunchtime beer served in a
tall wine glass, "Brown
Sugar" on the jukebox. /


-- Project is more than halfway over. Time is flying, y'all.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 16



I cannot stop collecting jars.
An emptied salsa jar holds
my unworn necklaces.
I bought tequila in a cobalt
bottle, drank it quickly and
gave it a home in my
kitchen window. An empty
relish jar now holds string,
wine corks, mismatched
buttons. I find things empty
and I fill them up. Bamboo
growing in an old peanut can. /


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 15


Once when I was drunk at
a family court charity
event, a judge asked me
my favorite animal. I say
tiger. What is my second fav-
orite? Monkey. He tells me
I am the first animal, my
ideal lover the second. 
One Cuba Libre later he taps
me on the shoulder, reveals
a banana. No thank you,
I say, fangs glinting. Hiss.
Too much potassium, not
enough blood. /


Postcard Poetry: Day 14

Okay, I'm behind/ahead. I was ahead, and now I'm behind my ahead, so I'm basically on track. I'm posting one this morning (that I wrote and mailed yesterday), and I will do my best to post another one today. I will definitely write and send one, but I'm just getting behind on the actual posting it to you. (Therefore, one could argue that I'm not behind at all!) So, here's Day 14.


Turmeric, Magic

You are brown/orange
and hypnotic. I want
to sprinkle you into
soup and drip you down
my throat. I want to
cake you over my skin
like clay while I glow
golden under a blood-
red gown. Stain
my smooth arms & legs,
forehead, wide open palms.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 13

Lucky day thirteen! Day 13 was actually yesterday, but I didn't post it. So today you'll get two. Day 13 now, and day 14 later in the day. For now, enjoy 13. :)


Tell me a story:

of when you
were young. Even one day
younger will do -- a story 
of you from yesterday. 
How did you walk; what
did you eat; what shirt
were you wearing; how
many times did you smile?
Did you learn a new word,
name or face? Did you touch 
your toes; did you brush your
hair or a lover's hand? Let's
not forget the story of ourselves. /

Note: Day 13 essentially got two poems, since the front of the postcard has a very simple ode poem on the front. Here's the translation of that, if you can't read it...


To sleeping in late. / To fun. / To pineapples.
To old, soft sweatshirts. / To lips that kiss. / To
mistakes. / To different views. / To garlic. / To
fuzzy socks. / To pens. / To you.
To drinking tequila. / 2 the
strength of hands. / To 
purple. / To my love. / 
To breasts. / To life. / To the 
new car-smell. / To the new baby
smell. / To books and book-
cases. / To dirt. / 
To: ______________.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 12


Miami Skyline

Neon sky at sunset, you
brought all of us to life.
Fluorescent pinks cling
to unsuspecting buildings.
Glass skyscrapers reflect
the glittering city below.
My friends and I share
stories, pulse together.
Cabernet guzzles tinting
our teeth a lovely purple,
to match the clouds. /


Friday, August 6, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 11


Once in a Blue Muse

You bring me a bowl of blueberries
and dark chocolate. This
is what sweetness tastes like.
I dream of lying in a darkened
cemetery, bare arms & legs
on cool concrete slabs,
hand gripping the
handle of an axe -- fear.
My sister and I pretend to be
mermaids in blue water, under
blue sky. Oh blue, you take
many forms -- ripe, icy, supple,
clear. /


Note: I received a postcard with the title "Once in a Blue Muse", which inspired this poem. I will start posting the postcards I received soon. So far I have received four lovely postcards! I have to say this project is getting much more rewarding the longer it goes on, and it really helps to be getting poems in the mail. Thanks to all for reading, too; it is really most appreciated. :) Happy Friday!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 10


Overheard Conversations on a Solo Lunch

-- I talked to Brad about how 
    all this technology is ruining
    our relationship. -- 

-- She didn't like my religion.
   -- Which is...?
-- Atheist. 
   -- So what do you worship?
-- No. Nothing.

-- Who invented the atom bomb?
   -- The Nazis?

-- Let's get tea.

-- My palak paneer is cold. 



Postcard Poetry: Day 9

Hi all. Not sure if anyone noticed except CAS, but I didn't post a postcard yesterday! No worries, I did write a poem, take pics and mail it, but the posting on the blog did not happen then. So today you get 9 and 10. What a treat! Here goes:



Cockroaches -- if you see one,
there are likely thousands 
more in the dark spaces
between your walls. Hundreds
of crunchy, invincible insects
now haunt my sleep; I imagine
six bugs crawling inside
the pair of jeans on the
floor. Something runs along 
my leg in bed -- I scream
"cockroach!" -- but it is only
my pillowcase unraveling.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 8


I crossed paths with

a jagged glass vase, blood
seeped through to my skin's 
surface, instinctually the 
bleeding thumb went to 
my mouth. I calm myself
by licking my own
wounds. A cat -- I purr
to my red, dripping thumb.
Hours later, a tiny red x
marks the spot of the jag-
ged glass. My skin, a treasure
map, my body, the earth. /

And now, after dropping the postcard in the mail, I say, oh, "instintually" is not a word; I meant "instinctively". Oh well. I really did work 8 hours of manual labor today, cutting myself deeply once and not so deeply several other times. Luckily I'm too tired to badger myself about my mistake. Sorry, recipient, for the bad grammar! :)


Monday, August 2, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 7


I wanted to write an ode 

To an omelette, but my
brunch spot was closed. 
Instead I walked to buy
some plants -- sweet basil, 
heirloom tomato, taxi tomato, 
cilantro. I line them up on 
the stairs that I climb to
enter my apartment. I have
no pots to re-plant them.
I swat a mosquito from my 
tricep -- "Don't suck MY blood!"
He says, "Hey, we all gotta 
eat," and he flies off. Now
I sing of the food chain. /



Sunday, August 1, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 6

Sorry about the later post today. The mail doesn't run on Sundays, so I took my time putting my new postcard out into the universe. Plus Mark's only day off is today, so we cooked a yummy breakfast of blueberry/chocolate pancakes and thick maple bacon. It's making me hungry just thinking about it. Without fail, here's Day 6's postcard/poem.


Me-ow, evil kitty

Follow through, little <(meow) kitty. Finish
your possibly okay (or maybe
pretty awful) short story. Start
a crafty project and finish
it. Hey girl with a thousand
ideas and not a single <(meow!)
perfect poem to show for it:
What are you afraid of,
little one, you; me? Take a bite.
Now another. Eat the elephant
one chewy gray piece at a
time. Don't leave your
sentences half

jb <(meow)