Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Postcard Poetry: Day 1

Postcard Poetry starts today, in which every day through August I'll send a postcard with a poem to another poet on the list. I am very excited about this project! It is my first time participating in anything like this, and I'm really ready to write a poem a day (no matter how rough it may be). I purchased blank watercolor postcards that I'm painting, just to add a little more of a personal touch. I'll be posting one a day. I'm actually supposed to do 3 today and mail them, but I have to go buy more stamps! So for now, here's #1 of the Postcard Poetry Challenge.

Close up of the poem:

And if my handwriting is bad, translation:



As I was soaking up
beautifully scorching drops
from our shared shower head, I hear a noise --
I snap! -- ready for an intruder
I think of the coffee mug holding our toothbrushes,
how I would launch it with icy precision at a strange eyebrow
blood pouring, steam rising from my naked skin, heavy breaths --
I realize how strong I am, how savagely I will fight.
If you are living / I cannot die.


Thoughts: I can't fit as many words as I thought on the postcards! Eeek.

Check back for more words and watercolor.



  1. I would love to recieve this postcard! someone is very lucky. Will you post the ones you receive?

  2. Yay! - I will definitely post the ones I receive. I should receive one in a few days...you will definitely see it! :)

  3. :) Yay! Thanks for reading, friend!!
