First vertical painting in the series, inspired by Logic, as my boyfriend and I have been making music in the program. I love the way the little boxes all go together to make a song! Such a simple, cool thing.
Close-up of the poem:
Still Born
Sometimes when I'm washing dishes
words start to assemble in my
head. They shift and shuffle,
settle in, my hands emprisoned
by yellow gloves. I freeze and
repeat lines, try to birth them
run for paper, a napkin, a
receipt for groceries, run back to
the sink where I made love to
my words. Sometimes they are
there at my fingertips, in ink.
Other times they are lost, the
memory of a love that could
have moved, breathed.
And now, I realize I misspelled "emprisoned", and it should be "imprisoned". One reason I'm really loving this project is that the urgency is first, you MUST put a postcard in the mail each day. So, I am forced to let go of the perfection aspect, which is an empowering lesson in itself. I will probably never misspell "imprisoned" again. Lesson learned. :)